He answered and said unto them, He that has two coats, let him impart to him that has none; and he that has food, let him do likewise. ~Luke 3:11
How can you help?
What are you good at? Making people comfortable through conversation…sorting clothes and supplies…connecting over a game of checkers? Maybe you are a home cook who ministers to loved ones through your magical creations of secret family recipes? One of the biggest needs we have this winter is help keeping the shelter open during the long days of wind and weather that Missouri dishes out. There are many ways to get involved, but the first step is signing up to get started!
We are a Christ-directed outreach. We do not push any particular creed or doctrine on anyone, nor do we reject or deny people based on any belief system or lack thereof. But it is in Jesus that we live, move, and have our being, and it is clear from Scripture that He intends for physical ministrations to break down walls and open spiritual doors as well. Please pray that the seeds sown today through simply showing love to our neighbors will bear much fruit in individuals’ lives here on earth and for eternity.
If you have been blessed with this world’s goods, and you agree with our mission, please consider giving to support our operations. Our best budget estimates indicate that it will take between $4500 and $5000 a month to cover expenses, and that is depending entirely on volunteer efforts for any daytime staffing throughout the winter. Any monetary gifts you give will be used specifically and carefully to meet the needs of our clients here in Johnson county every day.
Sheltering the unsheltered
When was the last time you met someone who had no coat? No food? No home? Do you know anyone in Johnson County, Missouri who fits this description? Maybe you don’t, and maybe if you wanted to help a neighbor in need you wouldn’t know where to find one. Well, we are here to bring this verse to life, and we need your help to do it.
People are homeless here. There are all kinds of reasons people don’t have a place to sleep at night, but some estimates consider seven out of 10 Americans to be one paycheck away from homelessness. In the right unforeseeable circumstances, it could be any of us. Let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus and show love to those who need it most right here in our community.
Protection from the elements
The reasons people become homeless are many. The one constant is that we are called as humans and Christians to help our neighbor. Following in Christ’s steps means loving abundantly and unconditionally as He did.
Basic food and clothing needs
Our shelter is not a soup kitchen or a clothes closet, but nightly meals are provided by volunteers and we keep available a supply of essential warm clothing. We have an emergency food box on the front porch free to all, and pre-packaged to-go items are available to our clients when they leave each day.
Community integration
Long-term goals include helping our clients to eventually become established as independent members of the community. The shelter provides a hub to connect with other services besides simply a bed for the night. The path from homeless to self-sufficient is long and challenging, but we will be there to support and cheer every step of the way.
It is impossible to love God without loving our neighbor.
— Mother Teresa
Connect with us!
Please contact us with any questions.